[4ID] U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division

Steadfast and Loyal


The purpose of this clan, first, is to honor all those who have served, are currently serving, or will in the future serve in our nation's defense as a part of the "Ivy Division". Secondly, as it applies to WoT, the purpose for founding this clan is to provide a place for newbies like myself to learn how to be successful in WoT from the veteran players. I don't plan to have any restrictions placed on membership in this clan, I want it to be a place where players of any level and experience can come together to learn and have fun. That being said, I would expect members of this clan to conduct themselves in a manner befitting respectable adults who've taken the name of a legendary and honorable fighting unit as their own. This means helping inexperienced players and keeping the in-game trash-talking respectable and to a minimum. Nobody likes a sore loser, and people dislike sore winners even more. Good luck, have fun, and I hope to battle with you all!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 12

Ø Battles8841
Ø WN8740,25
Ø WinRate47,54%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate