[-CFS-] Confederation of Free Stars

"There is a whole universe out there full of adventure" -CPT John Rourke- Clear Skies


In Memory Of Better Times
We Rule!

CFS, Originaly named Coalition of Free stars, was an EVE online alliance which was very special to the ex members that are now in this clan, unfortunatley it was disbanded a long time ago. :'(

What was special and diferent from other alliances was that the space it held was considered free contrary to what most alliances do to this day closing borders and exploiting space for their own gain. This meant that anyone could go through CFS controled space without being shot at and with the CFS fleet and members expected to police and defend the territory on their own free will.

Today we just want to keep alive this memory. This is CFS

We are recruiting !!!
we are looking for fun players with tier 6+ tanks (we make exceptions ) ;)
For details please contact Alaric_Stonewood or DayzCFS and we will get back to you as soon as we can
We also have a steam group feel free to drop by

Clan statistics

Number of members: 22

Ø Battles6828
Ø WN8773,53
Ø WinRate47,77%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate