[_NT] - Nietykalni -

Tam gdzie krew,pot i łzy to dla jednych koniec, to dla nas dopiero początek


✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ WITAMY ! ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

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► Min 1000 wn8 recent
► Aktywność: min. 50 bitew tygodniowo

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☑ bardzo wykwalifikowane dowóctwo

kontakt bezposredni do dowoctwa
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Clan statistics

Number of members: 25

Ø Battles14147
Ø WN81182,09
Ø WinRate48,84%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
mamut_2024Left 03/09/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
draskaLeft 03/09/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
RewcioJoined03/08/2025, 09:38 PM UTC
Th3_WitcherJoined03/08/2025, 09:35 PM UTC
mamut_2024Joined03/08/2025, 08:24 PM UTC
Th3_WitcherLeft 03/08/2025, 05:32 AM UTC
RewcioLeft 03/07/2025, 08:16 PM UTC
Paluch191Left 03/05/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
Darn0okLeft 03/02/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
tomaszekqLeft 03/02/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
yasiu1Left 03/02/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
jacekwoszLeft 03/02/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
dawid4748Left 03/02/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
Gonzo202Left 03/02/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
grzechu9991_2Left 03/02/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
BobeczekLeft 03/01/2025, 05:18 PM UTC
marcinjonLeft 02/26/2025, 05:21 AM UTC
benek731Left 02/21/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
TheHeppyKiller0Left 02/20/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
megajozekLeft 02/20/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
bladymaroLeft 02/20/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
zaskar251Left 02/20/2025, 08:26 PM UTC
OZO_Left 02/20/2025, 08:21 PM UTC
kris198_2015Left 02/18/2025, 05:31 PM UTC
daniel11a1Left 02/18/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
JakubQ7Left 02/17/2025, 05:16 AM UTC
norixster_1_vgJoined02/16/2025, 06:00 PM UTC
UpiornnyLeft 02/16/2025, 08:18 AM UTC
JakubQ7Joined02/15/2025, 07:52 PM UTC
JakubQ7Left 02/13/2025, 11:40 PM UTC
adison1234567Joined02/13/2025, 04:54 PM UTC
kris198_2015Joined02/10/2025, 07:42 PM UTC
Malery_plJoined02/08/2025, 07:40 PM UTC