Hello, Welcome to WSTK
We are Clan that will be focusing on High level Tier 8 Skirms and global map,
Skirms will be happening at least 3 times a week. For 2-3 Hours,
7:30 - 10pm ( GMT)
T10 Will be done if people want to.
Join the Discord. https://discord.gg/8XjbWzeQWU ( Fell free to join if your not in the clan)
48% win ratio, 1.2k WN8
55% recent win ratio, 1.8k WN8 recent.
2000 Battles
Have at least 3 of the following,
Progetto 46, Lorraine 40t, T54 Mod.1, T44, Bourrasque, CS-52 lis, T44-100, Centurion 5/1 RAAC, Kpz 07 RH, Object 274a,
Defender/ 252u, IS-3/ IS-3A, Patriot, Liberte, T32, Carnarvon, Carnarvon AX, 53TP, Emil 1951, Renegade, 703-II, Chrysler K.
LT-432, EBR 75 FL10, M41 90, HWK 30, LYNX 6X6.
Skorpion G, SU-130PM, WZ-120-1G FT, Strv-S1, GSOR 1001.
Exceptions, can be made, So join the Discord, and ask a someone,