[VIHOR] Car Lazar Hrebeljanovic

Fun , Fun and only Fan


Main Rules:
1. Respect all clans and clan members.
2.Any insults or other violence will not be tolerated which will be guided to dismiss member from clan.
3.Listen officers commands in battles.
4. Stronghold will be played every day

Glavna pravila:
1.Postovati sve klanove i klanske clanove.
2.Bilo koje vredjanje nece biti tolerisano sto ce dovoditi do otpustanja iz klana.
3.Slusati komande u borbama.
4.Charke ce se igrati svakog dana

Clan statistics

Number of members: 16

Ø Battles11487
Ø WN81066,52
Ø WinRate48,27%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
Tortillas2024Left 03/26/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
John_fr_mLeft 03/26/2025, 02:21 AM UTC
VIPSlowdeathLeft 03/26/2025, 02:19 AM UTC
NASILNICHLeft 03/21/2025, 08:25 PM UTC
NASILNICHJoined03/16/2025, 11:06 PM UTC
IL_FANTASTICOLeft 03/12/2025, 09:05 PM UTC
Tarakan10Joined03/12/2025, 07:25 PM UTC
ftyufdLeft 03/03/2025, 04:48 AM UTC