[V-EXE] Violent Executioners

"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion"


Dobrodosli,ovaj klan je namenjen za dobru igru,zabavu i druzenje.Ulaskom u klan ulazite u sledeci nivo posle random borbi koje svakom dosade nakon nekog vremena.Kroz borbe u timu dobicete iskustvo koje ce vam pomoci da bolje igrate i uzivate u igri.Nas prioritet su stronghold,turniri,CW i timske borbe.SH nije obavezan!
-zabranjeno vredjanje
Za ulazak u klan kontaktirajte bilo koga iz komande.

Welcome, this clan is designed for a good game and fun.
-WN8 Min 1300
-tier 6 Tank light or medium
-tier 8 Tank
-team speak is required listening for commands in the fight
-No insulting
To join the clan contact any of the comanders.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 2

Ø Battles13311
Ø WN81492,16
Ø WinRate50,91%

Clan members

#Player name30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø WinRateBattlesLast battlePositionJoined
2TANJICA20140,0001134,7253,14%1020Executive officer

Skirmishes statistics

#Player name7D Battles30D Battles

Clan history

Player nameChangeDate