[STCRS] Steel Crusaders

In the soul of steel we believe


We are warriors, we are crusaders. We walk the path of death, without fear and with honor, with a song on the lips of the death of our swords. Anyone who crosses our path will die a cruel death without sin on our hands, because We are crusaders from us and god averts his gaze.

1. CZ
2. SK
3. Ang
4. DE

Prvotní myšlenkou založení tohoto klanu bylo, sjednocení rodiny a pár přátel kteří tuto hru hrají. Necháme se překvapit kam až se tato myšlenka vyvine :)

The initial idea of ​​establishing this clan was reunited with their families and a few friends who play this game. We'll be surprised how far this idea develops :)

Clan statistics

Number of members: 8

Ø Battles8730
Ø WN8724,12
Ø WinRate47,02%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate