[PPPPP] Pink Panzer Pony Pursuit Platoons

Rückwärtsfahren für den Sieg, mit Lemmingpower in den Krieg!


Our Tankcrews are Ponies and Lemmings.
Our Ponies are antisocial Psychopaths - Else they'd be in Equestria and be good little ponies.
The Lemmings are... Lemmings. You Know those. It's "Them that dance on minefields".
We fight for the Lemming Way of Life, and to capture and hold the 'Great Cliff'.
We don't fight to win.
Everybody can do that.

We fight for the money to get our wrecks off the battlefield, get more hay and find innovative ways to blow ourselves up.

Our Motto translates to "Reverse Gear for the Win, with Lemming-Power into War!"
You don't need a special Tank, special Software, or any particular skills to join.
You just shouldn't be a sociopath. Our Tank-Crews are made up from those, so that got to be enough.

Clanwars, Deutsch:
Core_t4321;PhilippCL ( Koordinator & Head Honcho )
AriesHausdorff ( Commander Lemming )

We have:
- Mumble Voicechat ( aries.homeftp.net ; Ports 64738 + 64739 )
- Forum ( http://aries.homeftp.net/forum )

Clan statistics

Number of members: 10

Ø Battles15028
Ø WN81095,83
Ø WinRate50,17%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
8erwin8Left 02/23/2025, 09:03 PM UTC